Sunday, September 17, 2006

Fear and Loathing In America

Kahil and I were talking tonight about the fact that often substance is overlooked on gay sites and people go for pictures and visual content. it reminded me that lately I haven't really been speaking out about things as much as I should be.

I want to encourage people to go to kahils site and read his perspectives. He is a good man and his site is a damned good read. Just follow the link to the right.

the conversation I had with him reminded me of a movie. I watched V for Vendetta a while back, and one speech from that movie has stuck in my mind. It has stuck because its more honest than any politician in our day and age will ever dare to be. It's amazing that art and film can speak to us in ways that we are afraid to.just read this speech and tell me what you think.

and remember.... I am not advocating violence in anyway

I am just advocating the truth that we have the power in our hands to make a difference if and when we choose to use it.

I thought it was time we had a little talk.

Are you sitting comfortably?

Good, then I'll begin.

Right now, I imagine there are hundreds of soldiers rushing here to kill me because someone does not want us to talk.They are afraid that I am going to say the things that are not supposed to be said.

They are afraid that I am going to say the truth.

The truth is that there is something terribly wrong with this country,isn't there?

If you look about, you witness cruelty, injustice and despotism.

But whatdo you do about it?

What can you do?

You are but a single individual. How can you possible make any difference?

Individuals have no power in this modern world.That is what you've been taught because that is what they need you to believe.

But it is not true.

This is why they are afraid and the reason that I am here; to remind you that it is individuals who always hold the power.

The real power.

Individuals like me.

And individuals like you.

And who are they?

how did this happen?

who is to blame?

certainly there are those more responsible than others and will be held accountable, the truth is if you are looking for the guilty parties, you need only to look in the mirror to see who the real culprit is.

I know why you did it.

I know you were afraid.

Who wouldn't be...war, terror and plagues.

there were a myriad of thingsthat transpired to corrupt your reason and robb you of your common sense.

Fear got the best of you.

They offered you order and in exchange you gave them your silent obedient consent.

I have come to offer you a deal. If you accept, I will give you a different world. A world without curfews, without soldiers and surveillance systems. A world that is not run by other men but that is run by you.
I am offering you a second chance.

Four hundred years ago, a great citizen made a most significant contribution to our common culture. It was a contribution forged in secrecy and stealth although it is best remembered in noise and bright light. To commemorate that glorious night at precisely the stroke of midnight, the edifice of their world will erupt with enough sound and fury to shake the earth.

All I ask is that you join me at the gates to watch as the past is erased, the pathway cleared so that together we can start toward a new day.

But, you ask, who am I to make such promises?A fair question but hardly necessary as you know me already.

To know me any more you need only look to a mirror.

Truth be told, this wasn't even my idea, was it?

If you think back, you'll remember that night, whispering in your lover's arms. I became a part of your plan just as you have now become part of mine.

Give me the line of the queen and I'll give you your secret dream.

On the twelfth stroke of the fifth day of the eleventh month, I hope we shall all meet again.

Until then, I bid you goodnight.


Antares said...

This movie, I watched it about two weeks a go. It struck me, too. The homocentric sub-sub-plot was interesting.

It made me want to go out and have a relationship, celebrate my sexuality and be with poeople who think the same way as me...Unfortunately, I don't know how to do any of that.

So, yeah.

Also: How cool was V's all "v" word introduction?! :P

Anonymous said...

It seems we're only a couple steps away from this; "It is unacceptable to think..." Very Vonnegutesque.

AndreusThanos said...


it is a little chilling when you watch the movie

Anonymous said...

I'm adding it to my to-see list.



Anonymous said...

This was the part that got to me when I first heard it in that dark movie theater:

How did this happen?

Who is to blame?

Certainly there are those more responsible than others and will be held accountable, the truth is if you are looking for the guilty parties, you need only to look in the mirror to see who the real culprit is.

I know why you did it.

I know you were afraid.

Who wouldn't be...war, terror and plagues.

there were a myriad of things that transpired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.

Fear got the best of you.


We have seen this happen time and again in this country especially after 9/11. We turned to our government and looked to it to protect us. When they decided to infringe on our privacy in the name of security there was a whisper rather than a roar. When they decided to torture in the name of security, we pretty much turned a blind eye.

How do we stand up to this? How do we take back the 'high ground?' We question them and be vocal about it and most importantly, vote. We have to stop living in fear.